
Welcome to our blog! The purpose in creating this was to investigate the C4C, or Center for Community, a new building that was recently opened on the University of Colorado at Boulder campus. The topic was of interest because of the new dining hall featured in the building. The dining hall truly is incredible at first glance. There is tons of seating and it seems as if there is an endless option of food. While Allison is a junior and Sierra is a sophomore, we are rather envious of the dining hall. We wish that when we were freshmen we could have eaten there everyday. However, Christina is a freshmen and quickly grew sick of eating at the C4C and prefers other dining halls. This led us to conduct a project. We would report on the C4C and compare how different members of the campus community feel about it and the other dining halls on campus.

Monday, December 6, 2010

What Dorm Residents Prefer

Christina's Survey Skills

Being a freshman, I know that I prefer eating at Sewall because I think it has more variety as the menu changes every night. I liked the C4C at the beginning of the year, but perhaps I went there too often in the beginning of the year as I got sick of the food and found that the selection never changed. However, I know that some of my fellow dorm mates disagreed with my logic so I decided to run a survey and find out which dining halls were the most popular.

I interviewed my fellow residents of Sewall. Out of the 50 surveyes I handed out, I received 42 back. Overall there were 39 freshmen and 3 sophomores.

All of the 3 sophomores preferred the C4C to any dining hall.
18 of the freshmen preferred eating at Sewall, 12 of which because of the convenience of it being just downstairs from where they live, and 6 stating that it had better food because of the nightly menu changes.
However, there were also 18 freshmen who preferred to eat at the C4C. Of these freshmen, 7 stated they liked the food better at the C4C and 11 said there are more options and variety.
2 of these freshmen preferred Farrand to any dining hall, 1 because it was new to them and the other because they liked the organic and fresh food that the new grab n' go offers.
In addition to this, 1 student said that they preferred to eat at Libby because they thought the food was the best there and it wasn't too far from them.

Overall, it seems as though the majority of the students who prefer to eat in their own residence hall appreciate the convenience and notice more of a variety. However, the students who are willing to make the walk across campus seem loyal to the C4C.