
Welcome to our blog! The purpose in creating this was to investigate the C4C, or Center for Community, a new building that was recently opened on the University of Colorado at Boulder campus. The topic was of interest because of the new dining hall featured in the building. The dining hall truly is incredible at first glance. There is tons of seating and it seems as if there is an endless option of food. While Allison is a junior and Sierra is a sophomore, we are rather envious of the dining hall. We wish that when we were freshmen we could have eaten there everyday. However, Christina is a freshmen and quickly grew sick of eating at the C4C and prefers other dining halls. This led us to conduct a project. We would report on the C4C and compare how different members of the campus community feel about it and the other dining halls on campus.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

2 freshmen, 2 opinions

Christina's Interview

After I conducted my survey at Sewall, I decided to interview a couple of the people who participated with different opinions. Christina Ganoe, a freshmen living at Sewall, prefers to eat at the C4C while Alex Foley, another Sewall resident prefers to eat in her residential dining hall. Here are some reasons why:

Interview with Christina Ganoe:
Overall, what do you think about the dining halls in the dorms?
The dining halls have good food, but need more variety and fresh vegetables and fruit.

How often do you go to the C4C for dinner?
I go to the C4C about once or twice a week.

Which do you prefer and why?
I prefer the C4C because of all the variety, the only reason I eat at Sewall so much is the convenience.

Do you find more variety and options at the C4C or in the dorms?
I find more variety and options at the C4C.

What is your opinion of grab and gos compared to dining halls?
I love the grab and gos. It’s nice to be able to get something on the run but I would prefer them to be open on the weekends too. I think the weekends are when I would go there the most. The only grab n’ go that is open on the weekend is the Emporium at Farrand and I’m not sure I can even use my meal plan there, I usually use my munch money.

Do you think your location has to do with where you eat?
Yeah because I eat at Sewall everyday but when I feel like walking and the weather is nice I will go to the C4C. I’m just not looking forward to the winter because I think that I’ll go there a lot less when it is freezing out with snow on the ground.

If you lived closer to the C4C would you only eat there?
Absolutely, if I lived closer to the C4C I would only eat there.

Do you pick specific meals to eat at certain dining halls?
Not really, I change it up a little depending on what looks good to me at the time.

Overall, where is your favorite place to eat?
My favorite place to eat is the C4C. I find that even their grab n’ go has more options for me to choose from.

Interview with Alex Foley:

Overall, what do you think about the dining halls in the dorms?
They are good. I like that there are different meals everyday and different things to choose from.

How often do you go to the C4C for dinner?
Maybe once a month. I’ll only go if the weather is nice but most of the time I’m not in the mood to walk that far when I like Sewall just as much.

Which do you prefer and why?
I prefer the other dining halls because they serve something different every day. They’re also really close and I like how the specialize in one meal every night and they have new things all the time.

Do you find more variety and options at the C4C or in the dorms?
Probably the C4C because they have every type of food for every meal.

What is your opinion of grab and go’s?
I love them. Sometimes I prefer them to the dining halls just because they are so quick. They’re great if you have to eat in a hurry.

Do you think your location has to do with where you eat?
Yes, I do not like to leave the dorm when it is cold out. I would go to the C4C a lot more in the summer or beginning of the year when it was hot outside because I didn’t mind walking as much.

If you lived closer to the C4C would you only eat there?
Yes because I do not like to go too far to have to get dinner.

Do you pick specific meals to eat at certain dining halls?
No, I usually eat whatever they are serving. But at the C4C I usually eat the Asian food.

Overall, where is your favorite place to eat?
Sewall or Libby

Overall, Christina prefers to eat in the C4C because she finds that there is more variety there and the food is better. She really only seems to eat at Sewall if she has to because it is so close. Alex, however, prefers to eat in Sewall because she likes how convenient it is to go to and she finds that they have different foods every night.

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