
Welcome to our blog! The purpose in creating this was to investigate the C4C, or Center for Community, a new building that was recently opened on the University of Colorado at Boulder campus. The topic was of interest because of the new dining hall featured in the building. The dining hall truly is incredible at first glance. There is tons of seating and it seems as if there is an endless option of food. While Allison is a junior and Sierra is a sophomore, we are rather envious of the dining hall. We wish that when we were freshmen we could have eaten there everyday. However, Christina is a freshmen and quickly grew sick of eating at the C4C and prefers other dining halls. This led us to conduct a project. We would report on the C4C and compare how different members of the campus community feel about it and the other dining halls on campus.

Friday, December 3, 2010

What Some Students Think

Sierra's Survey Skills

I tried my hand at conducting surveys around campus today. I had a pile of 50 with the set of questions my group agreed upon. The questions included what age the person is, if they ate at the dining halls or not, which one they prefer, and why it is their favorite. I got back 32 surveys after distributing them around the outside of the C4C and Ferrand grab-and-go. A small sample size, but it provided the following information:

1. Upperclassman with meal plans preferred the C4C to the other dining halls.
2. Freshman preferred other dining halls to the C4C.
3. People who preferred the C4C said it always had a variety of choices, and people who liked the other dining halls liked the menu rotation choices.
4. The favorite dining hall outside of the C4C was Libby, specifically for breakfast.
5. 7 out of the 20 kids who favored the C4C said it was because of the idea of the building (including location and because it is new) while the remaining fraction based their decision off of the quality of the food (including variety and convience).

There were 6 freshman, 14 sophomores, 9 juniors, and 3 seniors in my sample. After personally talking with a few of the kids I found that the C4C was mostly popular due to the atmosphere of the building and the sense of community. I personally am jealous of all the freshman who have more dining options now than I had!

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